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Solutions for all your HR needs

Metrilio offers customizable and intuitive HR solutions for managing the entire Employee Life Cycle tailored to the client through a unique and highly efficient configuration model.

Metrilio's HR SaaS solutions
  1. Core RH
  2. HR Tools
  3. My profile
  4. Pre- & Onboarding
  5. Performance
  6. Talents magazine
  7. Apprenticeship & Training
  8. Offboarding
  9. Individual processes
  1. 1.

    Core RH - Personal data

    • Administrative personnel management (employees, contracts, salaries, remuneration, organizational structure, … over 400 data items available).
    • Integration with other applications, no double encoding (Webservice API, Webhooks or flat file exchange (sFTP).
    • Manage your HR with our numerous dashboards, and analyze your data with customized reports you can create yourself.
    • Define as many email notifications as you need to facilitate communication with new employees and track changes to existing employee data.
    Solution Core RH Metrilio
  2. 2.

    HR Tools & Info Library

    • Structure and flexibility in the management of your job descriptions.
    • Optimize competency management by using your own competency templates.
    • Manage the approval workflow for each new position, and easily maintain an overview of all vacancies.
    • Share your documents with everyone, with specific groups or individually according to the document.
    • Manage your projects even better by linking them to your employees’ CVs and skills.
    • Equipment & tools: keep track of everything your employees need, have received, or have already returned.
    • Who’s who?
    HR tools on Metrilio
  3. 3.

    My personal profile

    • My job description.
    • My Curriculum Vitae: career history, language skills, training history (linked to training module), education, …
    • My documents: overview of all my personal and corporate documents, including pay slips.
    • My tools & equipment: global overview, planning and history.
    • Permanent update of my skills profile. What’s my current skill level? Which ones still need to be developed?
    • My peer assessment. What do my colleagues like about me?
    • Employee/manager self-service for specific data. Notification e-mails to administrators for each change.
    Solution my personal profile on Metrilio
  4. 4.

    Pre- & Onboarding

    • Employee welcome before joining the company.
    • Opportunity for the future employee to complete personal data, CV, etc. before joining the company.
    • Checklists of to-do’s for HR, employee, manager, IT, … Things to do before the employee starts at the company, during the first days/weeks …
    • Integration process with periodic evaluations and mutual feedback.
    HR Solution
  5. 5.

    Progress, Performance & Recognition

    • Coaching & continuous feedback on daily work, objectives, well-being, satisfaction, etc.
    • Validations: How is the employee doing? How do I feel?
    • Annual objectives and performance evaluation.
    • Calibration and overall annual assessment.
    • Personal development plan integrated into training module.
    • Behavioral and skills assessments or gap assessments in relation to skills defined in job descriptions.
    • 180° or 360° assessments, peer feedback and company evaluation.
    • Career management and planning
    Progression, performance and recognition solutions on Metrilio
  6. 6.

    Retention, Succession and Talent Review

    • 9-box ‘Performance/Potential
    • Link with performance evaluations
    • Risk assessment: business, departure, succession, etc.
    • Critical positions: capacity to assume a critical position? Within what timeframe?
    • Successor planning
    • Talent development plan
    • Career management
    Retention, succession and talent review solutions on Metrilio
  7. 7.

    Apprenticeship & Training

    • Support for the entire process: request – validation – planning – participation – evaluation
    • Differentiated management of the training catalog according to employee profile
    • Planning of training sessions
    • Management of evaluation criteria (hot and cold evaluations)
    • Management of certifications and their validity, document management
    • Numerous email support options (reminders, notifications, etc.)
    • Counter system to support the new employment agreement
    • Integration with E-learning applications
    Apprenticeship and HR training
  8. 8.


    • Exit interview
    • Notifications to facilitate the off-boarding process within the organization
    • Recovery of tools and equipment
    Offboarding RH
  9. 9.

    Individual processes

    The number of processes that can be set up is endless. If there is a need to automate a manual process or to survey employees on certain topics, this can be quickly implemented.

    Examples of what clients have already set up:

    • Remediation plan
    • Growth conversation
    • Leadership assessment via 360°
    • Action plan to follow up on a promotion or new position
    • Request for change in employment percentage
    • Tip/Top assessment
    • Satisfaction survey
    • ….
    specific process hr - metrilio


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